Hello. I’m Amy.


The Money Notebook: Empowering Stylists to Take Control of Their Money

When I embarked on my journey with The Money Notebook, I was driven by a passionate desire to support stylists in achieving financial stability. However, at the outset, I faced uncertainty as to how to best assist people. Fortunately, I had a mentor who consistently emphasized the importance of managing one’s finances. This invaluable insight provided me with a starting point.

Over the past decade, I experimented with numerous financial management methods, including printouts, binders, daily check-out slips, and various expense manager apps. Regrettably, none of these systems proved to be effective for me. Each had its shortcomings, and after a few weeks, I would find myself giving up, overwhelmed and discouraged.

So I Created My Own Daily Money Tracking Journal,

a Turning Point in my Financial Journey

As I began keeping track of my income using this journal, I transformed into the hairstylist I had always aspired to be. I achieved newfound control and organization in my financial life. Finally, I had a system that worked for me. I comprehended my financial situation holistically. I no longer lived paycheck to paycheck, and I now take immense pride in my business accomplishments. I've transitioned from treating my 'job' as just a source of income to treating it as a full-fledged 'business.' With the confidence of having the right tools at my disposal, I'm no longer overwhelmed. I'm on the path to building the kind of business I've always dreamed of.

And Now My Goal Is To Share It With YOU!

It Worked For Me, I KNOW It’ll Work For You Too.

So, thanks for stopping by and I’m sooo excited for you to join me on this life-changing money journey. You’ve gotta start somewhere

… Amy